Kraus Silvestre — 3.40 of 5 palos — reviewed 2/1/2012
Type: Silvestre
Region: Misiones, Argentina.
This aromatic and vibrant mate is somewhat of a novelty. Grown with fair trade practices, Kraus is a company that thinks about sustainability. Smoke-free and including a healthy amount of herbs: mint, pennyroyal, lemon verbena (think apple Jolly Ranchers!), and peppermint, this mate is pleasantly refreshing and like icy mint in my mouth.
Cut 3.25 palos
Fluffy cut composition, with a good PPL-R. Includes some “monster palos” like Jesper, but thiner and longer. Contains splinter palos. The cut is on the finer side, but not overwhelmed with too much polvo.
Body/Texture 3.25 palos
Light body, with explosion of mint, lemon, citrus, lime, jolly rancher, trident gum. You almost miss the taste of mate when drinking this, as the mint can be a bit overbearing at times. Not for the traditionalist mate drinker. The yerba could use a little bit more backbone and structure, but makes up for the loss in body with the refreshing taste. Has a bit of a yellow Gatorade hint.
Nose 4.00 palos
Clean. Refreshing. Bright nose. The mint pervades the senses here, and the lemon verbena is picked up as a more subtle aroma. Has a smell of a freshly disinfected doctor’s office — impeccably clean.
Finish 3.75 palos
Clean, light finish. The lack of body almost makes you ask for more of a kick, but you continue to drink because it’s a finish that you’re simply not used to. No astringent zing backlash like Unión.
Cycle 2.75 palos
Pretty short cycle. The light body nature of this mate comes on strong like a comet, then goes out gracefully. For those that like mate lavado, which can be very pleasant with some mates, this is a good choice.
Overall: 3.40 palos
Solid mate, with clean, bright, refreshing taste. Mint lovers, here’s your chance to drink a mate that reminds you of home. This definitely isn’t your typical mate, so buck up and take a chance, and enjoy the icy blast of flavors.
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