Why Choose Circle of Drink?
Hey Potential Wholesaler, Circle of Drink is seeking to partner with select businesses, cafes, restaurants, and established organizations that would be a good fit for our premium yerba mate products. We take great pride in providing the best of the best, certified organic and fair trade, yerba mate on Earth. Customers from all around the world—not just United States, but over 30 countries worldwide (and growing!)—have been praising our yerba mate, handcrafted gourds, and bombillas since the day we begun. Here’s a page full of real, unsolicited testimonials from our (very) loyal customers. We don’t want to see our products just in any cafe, so there’s a bit of a selection process. Our customers expect only the best yerba mate from us, so naturally, we’re only going to sell to cafes that offer the best possible experience to their customers—completing the circle of best product with best experiences.
Contact wholesale@circleofdrink.com or call 1 631 210 6307 for wholesale opportunities.
Circle of Drink Team