Beep!…Beep!… Beep!… It's 7AM and the darn alarm is assaulting you like a bat smashing a wall over…and over… and over… Tired. But feeling warm and cozy, in that perfect position, spread out like butter on toast. You can melt away.
After hitting snooze a few times—hopscotching through micro-dreams about your ex-girlfriend and blue dogs— it's 7:15AM and you're finally up. But what's missing? Your body is up, but you have absolutely no energy. You feel fatigued and tired. If you could only cure tiredness.
Okay, that will pass in about 30 minutes, right? Surely a hot shower will help. It's 8:15AM and you're out the door, both breakfast and hot shower checked off. But still! You're tired. No energy. Out of gas. As drained as a Doctor back from a 24 hour rotation. How could this be? Being always tired has become an annoying reality.
The sad truth is that most of America is suffering from chronic fatigue and excessive tiredness. No matter the amount of sleep or the perfectly “complete” breakfast of bacon and eggs, you're still tired all the time and lacking energy. Let's discuss some natural ways to cure fatigue and tiredness.
How to Cure Fatigue and Tiredness?
There is no absolute cure. Doctor's will readily prescribe medicine and mothers will preach the tenants of getting enough sleep, but the reality is that each person is different and those aforementioned remedies come closer to treating the side effects of not having enough energy than actually — and holistically — getting to the root of the cause. And the root, as with most ailments and disease, lies in poor diets and habits.
Not getting enough electron rich water

Put bluntly: if you're not drinking at least 2—4 liters of water a day, you're always going to be tired, no matter what. Water is the carrier of vitamins and nutrients in the body; not having enough is like trying to sail a ship on dirt—you ain't going nowhere!
The type of water matters, too. Look for water that has a high PH. The higher the PH, the more electricity the water holds and the deeper the water can penetrate your cells and energize your body. If you can't obtain water from a natural spring or afford a good water ionizer machine, then look into purchasing PH drops.
Learn the differences between yerba mate and coffee >>
Lack of exercise
One of the worst habits in the world: being a lazy couch potato. Get off you butt and move around; at least a few times per week practice some aerobic exercise, which supply your body with rich amounts of oxygen as well as allowing you to sweat out toxins that are building up acidic waste in your body and keeping you tired. Moderate walks, jumping on trampolines and ropes, yoga, and riding you bike are all acceptable.
Stop Relying on Unhealthy Energy Drinks and Coffee
One of the
greatest tricks played on Americans is the illusion that coffee actually gives us energy. With a 20+ billion dollar industry at stake, these doctors, politicians, and corporations will do anything to make you believe that coffee is acceptable to drink.
But all honest doctors and sensible people know that coffee isn't healthy. And why is that? To sum it up in one word: ACID. Coffee builds acid in your body and literally decomposes you. The more acid you intake, the more buffering (or correcting) that your body has to do to neutralize the acid, restoring alkalinity.
Your body loves you so much that it will do anything to combat the acid, even at the expense of draining all of your energy to do so. Coffee gives you an initial spark of energy, but all you'll do—as I'm sure you've experience time and time again— is crash and feel jittery. It's like stopping every 30 seconds on the road to fill your tank with one ounce of gas—eventually you're going to get so tired and pass out.
If you really want a drink that cures tiredness and fatigue — and actually works in a healthy way to wake you up in the morning — then try some yerba mate tea. Yerba mate does contain some caffeine, but the caffeine works totally differently than it does in coffee. Yerba mate actually generates more energy that's slow-released and maintained throughout the entire day— all without any crashing or jittery effects that invariably accompany coffee. It also happens to be extremely healthy, more so than green tea.
Here's a funny, but very accurate, skit about drinking yerba mate in the morning:
Reduce your stress levels
Constantly worrying increases stress levels in the body, both physically and psychologically. The saying “worrying yourself to death” isn't some silly expression, but a scientific fact.
There are many ways to reduce stress and iron out issues, such as daily exercise, eradicating bad habits that lead to worrying, and, in some cases, taking properly prescribed medication; but the one stress reducer that I live by is, and will always be, simple meditation.
Meditation, I say? Yup, that's right. But isn't that hard? you ask. No, not at all. Don't be overwhelmed by the growing mountain of books, programs, and websites all vying for your spiritual attention; most of them all boil down to the same stuff: just find a quiet location somewhere, grab a cushion or a comfy chair, and simply sit in peace for at least 10 minutes a day.
Yerba mate helps your body adapt to stress. Learn more here >>
Don't get caught up in the minutia of positions, whether or not your eyes should be closed or open (or half open!), or what sort of mantras you should be reciting. Nah! Just sit, relax, and be somewhere no one can bother for. The idea is to create a solid habit of coming back each day to sit. This one action alone, sitting, can work magic for increasing you energy and curing your fatigue. I like to take a few sips of yerba mate before meditating to help put me in a state of ease and relaxation (it also helps to relax my muscles).
I hope these natural remedies for curing fatigue and tiredness helped you. It's no fun living life constantly tired and sleepy; that's no life at all. You're a human, not a zombie. But it takes one step to begin any journey, and I'm sure you're now on your way to feeling energize, bright, and full of vitality.