The Symbol of Rio Grande do Sul
For hundreds of years, the Gauchos of South America have played an integral role not only as guardians of the land and animals, but helping to advance the expansion of yerba mate from the vast Pampas Regions to the sprawling concrete jungles that followed.
The Gaucho, represented on this elegant ceramic piece, is seen with wide shoulders fully adorned in traditional Gaucho suiting with rope in hand and thick reliable boots on foot. This symbol can be found all throughout Southern South America as a mark of pride, protection and long standing respect for the region.
From rising before sunrise and tending to the farms and traversing the land on horseback to finally taking a well deserved repose with a hot erva around a campfire where stories flow across the cuia, the cup tells a story of a lifestyle and culture where the Gaucho stands firm and keeps the traditions alive at all costs.